Brandon Jaradat

Founder of Neat

Brandon Jaradat is the founder of Neat, a short-term rental cleaning and property management company in Nashville, TN.

What business do you run?

I am the owner and founder of Neat, one of the largest short-term rental cleaning and property management companies in Nashville. I started the company about four years ago.

What inspires you about being an entrepreneur?

When I was a kid, my dad worked in high-level positions and was always stressed about his job whether he was going to have a job or not. Working in corporate America, they go through restructures every 6-12 months. In those restructures, people can lose their jobs. From that, I never wanted to be in that position. At a young, my father told me if I ever had the opportunity, that I should create my own business.

What advice do you have for aspiring entrepreneurs?

For aspiring entrepreneurs, I highly recommend seeking out a mentor or a seasoned individual to learn from. Also, if you're eyeing success in a particular field, consider acquiring knowledge on someone else's dime. Invest time in learning with experienced individuals, absorbing their wisdom, and then venturing out on your own.


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